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Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Kuramdan Uygulamaya Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar - Interdisciplinary Studies from Theory to Practi
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Yabancı dil öğrenim ve öğretim, tarihi çok eskilere dayanan fakat hiç eskimeyen bir alandır ve zaman içerisinde kendine özgü araştırma gündemi ve farklı disiplinler ile etkileşimi olan bağımsız bir disiplin hâline gelmiştir. Nitekim yabancı dillerin nasıl öğrenildiği ve daha etkili nasıl öğretileceği sorularına yanıt bulmak adına sosyoloji, psikoloji, eğitim ve dilbilim gibi farklı alanlardan araştırmacılar hâlen çalışmalar yapmaktadır. Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Kuramdan Uygulamaya Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar başlıklı bu kitapta; edebiyat, dilbilim, göstergebilim, yabancı dil ve sözcük öğretimi gibi birbirleriyle etkileşim içerisinde olan konular sekiz bölümde kuramsal ve uygulamalı olarak sunulmaktadır. Kitap içerisindeki çalışmalar sadece farklı başlıklara değinmeyip yabancı dil öğretiminin ve öğreniminin disiplinlerarası doğasını da öne çıkarmaktadır. Bu kapsamda kitabın akademisyenlere, uzmanlara, öğretmenlere ve öğrencilere yeni ve farklı bakış açıları sunmasını umarız.
The field of foreign language learning and teaching is old and new at the same time. Over time, it has become an independent discipline interacting with different disciplines with its own research agenda. In fact, researchers from different fields such as sociology, psychology, education and linguistics are still working to find answers to the questions of how foreign languages are learned and how to teach them more effectively. In this book titled Interdisciplinary Studies from Theory to Practice in Foreign Language Teaching, subjects that interact with each other such as literature, linguistics, semiotics, foreign language and vocabulary teaching are presented theoretically and practically in eight chapters. The studies in the book not only touch on different topics but also highlight the interdisciplinary nature of foreign language teaching and learning. We hope that this book will offer new and different perspectives to academics, experts, teachers and students.
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The field of foreign language learning and teaching is old and new at the same time. Over time, it has become an independent discipline interacting with different disciplines with its own research agenda. In fact, researchers from different fields such as sociology, psychology, education and linguistics are still working to find answers to the questions of how foreign languages are learned and how to teach them more effectively. In this book titled Interdisciplinary Studies from Theory to Practice in Foreign Language Teaching, subjects that interact with each other such as literature, linguistics, semiotics, foreign language and vocabulary teaching are presented theoretically and practically in eight chapters. The studies in the book not only touch on different topics but also highlight the interdisciplinary nature of foreign language teaching and learning. We hope that this book will offer new and different perspectives to academics, experts, teachers and students.
Data sheet
- Publication Year
- Aralık, 2021
- Number of pages
- 214
- Number of Prints
- 1. Baskı
- Dimensions
- 13,5x21,5
- 978-625-417-063-8