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Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods
Dodatkowe 5% zniżki przy pierwszym zakupie o wartości 500 TL lub więcej
Wysyłki w ramach umów z Cosmedrome są bezpłatne przy zakupach o wartości 300 TL lub więcej.
Bu kitap, özel ve resmî laboratuvarlarda çalışan gıda ve ziraat mühendisleri, biyolog ve veterinerler ile gıda mühendisliği, ziraat, biyoloji, gıda teknolojisi, mikrobiyoloji ve veterinerlik öğrencileri için ana başvuru kaynağıdır. Kitap, İngilizce hazırlanmasından dolayı özellikle yabancı dilde eğitim gören öğrencilerin kullanabileceği bir kaynaktır.
Bunun dışında eser, gıda üreticilerinin üretim aşamalarında karşılaştığı mantardan, zehirlere kadar birçok konu detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Son olarak sağlıklı üretim konusunda uluslararası standartların verildiği eser öğrencilere ve üreticilere yol gösterici niteliktedir.
Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods is an essential book for food and agriculture engineers, biologist, hygienist and veterinarian in industry and government laboratory, as well as students taking courses in food engineering, agriculture, biology, food hygiene and technology, microbiology and veterinary. Primary object of food producers are prevention of food spoilage and poisoning, reduction of economical loss and offering of health and safe food to consumers. The content includes: General microbiological enumeration methods; Detection and enumeration of foodborne bacteria, yeasts, molds, parasites and viruses; Determination of microbiological food safety and quality; and Preparation of microbiological media and solutions. Most of the food poisoning, food spoilage and economical losses arise from the effect of microorganisms. Great attention was paid to deal international microbiological agreements on methods and techniques for the production of healthy and safe food under hygienic conditions from farm to fork with food analyses and microbiological counts.
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Bunun dışında eser, gıda üreticilerinin üretim aşamalarında karşılaştığı mantardan, zehirlere kadar birçok konu detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Son olarak sağlıklı üretim konusunda uluslararası standartların verildiği eser öğrencilere ve üreticilere yol gösterici niteliktedir.
Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods is an essential book for food and agriculture engineers, biologist, hygienist and veterinarian in industry and government laboratory, as well as students taking courses in food engineering, agriculture, biology, food hygiene and technology, microbiology and veterinary. Primary object of food producers are prevention of food spoilage and poisoning, reduction of economical loss and offering of health and safe food to consumers. The content includes: General microbiological enumeration methods; Detection and enumeration of foodborne bacteria, yeasts, molds, parasites and viruses; Determination of microbiological food safety and quality; and Preparation of microbiological media and solutions. Most of the food poisoning, food spoilage and economical losses arise from the effect of microorganisms. Great attention was paid to deal international microbiological agreements on methods and techniques for the production of healthy and safe food under hygienic conditions from farm to fork with food analyses and microbiological counts.
- Rok publikacji
- Ekim, 2015
- Numer stron
- 570
- Liczba wydruków
- 3. Baskı
- Dimensions
- 16x23,5
- 978-605-133-074-7
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