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Meerkat Looking For Courage Creative Drama Finger and Hand Puppets Pop-up Staged

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Çocuklarımız, Yaratıcı Drama ile Parmak ve Tuzluk Kuklalar serisinin tüm kitaplarını, bu sefer İngilizce olarak okuyacaklar. Mirket ve arkadaşlarının heyecanlı macerasını bir de İngilizce dinlemeye ne dersiniz?
Do you think puppets can go on an exciting adventure?
Alaz discovers new worlds as he brings his puppets to life on the stage of imagination. Misket the Meerkat and Fenek the fox play a game that requires courage and attention. Would you like to join this game, too?
The meerkat is in his home joyous.
Among the desert animals.
A cunning thought might be
On Fenik the fox’s mind.
Time is very valuable!
If there’s trouble;
We must meet in the circle!
Dear friends it’s not easy;
It takes courage to solve a mystery!

Ürün Adı: Meerkat Looking For Courage Creative Drama Finger and Hand Puppets Pop-up Staged
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