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Mudskipper And Tortilo Sharing The River Creative Drama Finger and Hand Puppets Pop-up Staged

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Çocuklarımız, Yaratıcı Drama ile Parmak ve Tuzluk Kuklalar serisinin tüm kitaplarını, bu sefer İngilizce olarak okuyacaklar. Çamur zıpzıpı ve Tortilo’nun nehirdeki maceralarını bir de İngilizce dinlemeye ne dersiniz?

Mudskipper and the otter met by the river. Do you think Tortilo, who thinks he owns the whole river, will be able to learn about sharing from the mudskipper and her family? Well, is it possible to build a mud house by helping each other? Let’s read and see.

What a strange animal- this mudskipper
Is it a fish or a frog?
It jumps up with its fins highly.
Feeding her babies with difficulty.

Nature is full of miracles.
In the mud live many creatures.
Baby mudskippers will come out in spring.
Nature will be shared by all th living.

Ürün Adı: Mudskipper And Tortilo Sharing The River Creative Drama Finger and Hand Puppets Pop-up Staged
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